Tastaz 赤藻糖醇 500g 2包優惠裝

赤藻糖醇 – 完美白砂糖代替品
Tastaz 赤藻糖醇是天然稀少糖其中一種,零淨碳水化合物,甜度較白砂糖低30%,具有不參與人體代謝,零升糖指數及抑制胰島素上升的特性。由於Tastaz 赤藻糖醇會快速進入血液但不參與人體代謝,不會對腸胃造成任何負荷亦可視為零卡路里的甜味劑。
Tastaz 赤藻糖醇是100%天然成份, 由非基因改造粟米發酵提煉,入口清甜,沒有其他代糖的餘味,質感幼細,適合加熱煮食、烘焙及添加到飲品內,是小童、愛甜、健身、糖尿病患者、生酮飲食及減肥人士的不二之選。
Erythritol – The Perfect sugar replacement
Tastaz Erythritol is one of the rare sugars in nature. It is zero net carbohydrate and 70% as sweet as table sugar. Since most of it gets absorbed into your bloodstream before it reaches your colon, it does not cause any bloating and digestive upset. It is not metabolized, just excreted in urine. Thus, It contains almost no calories.
Tastaz Erythritol is a 100% natural sweetener, created when a type of yeast ferments glucose from Non-GMO corn starch. It has a pleasant sweetness profile similar to table sugar (sucrose) but no detectable aftertaste. It has a fine texture, best for cooking, baking and adding in your beverage!
Recommended for use with keto, low-carb and gluten-free diets, especially for children, fitness enthusiasts, obesity and diabetes.